Mohammad Reza Ghaneei, borned in 1954's spring in Isfahan, and passed his primary and secondary education in that city.

He was graduated in architecture from fine arts faculty of Tehran University in 1978, after six years of academic researches and studies, defended his master's thesis. From 1979, during the military services period, He started studying Building renovation in the Isfahan faculty of Farabi University. After that, He went to Paris Fine Arts University for taking the D.P.L.G courses, and simultaneously in 1983 finished his D.E.A studies in Paris12 University. Two years later, He finished his studies in Paris12 University with PhD in urban designing, And then after about two years of work expriences in United States, He came back to his hometown. During over 27 years of professional experiences in Iran, He designed more than 500 architectural, urban design and urban projects, which most of them implemented and constructed; He always believed that architecture is an art, and the roots of art should be around the culture. We can talk about architecture when it has connections to its physical and spiritual background; to its context and era.

Sed ultrices nisl velit, eu ornare est ullamcorper a. Nunc quis nibh magna. Proin risus erat, fringilla vel purus sit amet, mattis porta enim.

Curabitur ut tortor a orci fermentum ultricies. Mauris maximus velit commodo, varius ligula vel, consequat est.

Quantum pertrole In the following we can see Some of experiences, works, activities and awards that had more tangible influence on his professional life:

Cooperation records
  • 1990-1994 Teaching in Isfahan University
  • 1992-1999 Teaching in Azad University of Khorasgan
  • 1999-present Dissertation supervisor in architecture universities
  • 2007-2009 Membership in Editorial Board of Danesh-nama magazine
  • 2014 Membership in Urban Landscape Committee of Isfahan Awards
  • 1993 Abadi awards, In field of Public Buildings, First place for polyacryl central building
  • 1993 Social Affairs ministration, Central building of Isfahan university of technology
  • 1995 The first engineering symposium, Dormitory of Yazd's Shahid-Sadooghi medical sciences university
  • 1995 Jury’sLetter of Special Appreciation in House of culture’s competitions
  • 1997 The second engineering symposium, Canteen of Yazd's Shahid-Sadooghi medical sciences university
  • 2000 Letter of Appreciation from Engineering NGO of Isfahan province
  • 2000 Letter of Appreciation for partnership in Isfahan’s Abilities Exhibition
  • 2003 Memar Awards, 1st place in “residential buildings, 20 years after revolution”
  • 2003 Memar Awards, 3rd place in “residential buildings, 20 years after revolution”
  • 2003 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Conservation Merit Award for rehabilitation and revitalization of Polsheer House in 2002.
  • 2004 letter of Appreciation from 7th government-university-industry cooperation congress for national development
  • 2005 letter of Appreciation from Engineering NGO of Isfahan Province
  • 2008 Cooper Adobe from Naqshe-e Jahan First National Conference in field of Architecture and Urban Design
  • 2011 Jury's letter of Appreciation from Building architecture magazine for Absar blue hall (interior design)
  • 2011 Jury's letter of Appreciation from Memar Magazine for Absar blue hall
  • 2013 first place in Engineering NGO’s competition for “Central Building’s Town Hall”
  • 2014 Letter of Appreciation for partnership in Jury’s committee of Memar magazine annual awards
  • 2014 Lecture at the Naqsh-e Memar’s conference about “Employer-architect” , Naqsh-e Memar magazine
  • 2014 Lecture at Iran’s Architectural Center’s conference about "Business Management in Architecture"
  • 2014 interviews with Mrs. N. Hakim about "issues of continuity and sustainability in Persian Architecture" for Memar Magazine No.79
  • 2014 Participation in “Looking for Identity” workshop in Vienna
  • 2014 interviews with Austrian “Fine Art Architecture” magazine about “Space Poetry”
  • 2015 First place in “Gate of Jey”competition
  • 2015 Third place in “Bagh-Mishe” competition
  • 2015 Letter of appreciation of Memar Awards for “Aftab cultural house”
  • 2015 Holding out an international Iranian-Austrian workshop about Iranian Mud Architecture on Qeshm Island
  • 2015 Lecture at "Looking for urban identity" conference in Isfahan’s University of Arts

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